True to form, Todd Disner has filed a Pro Se “Motion to Reopen Judgement in Light of the Courts’ Ruling and Order on His Co-Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss”. Disner issues the following nonsense in the opening paragraph:
On December 9, 2014 the Court issued its decision and order on the co-defendants’ motion to dismiss, establishing the law of the case. In light of the Court’s ruling, the judgment and order of the Court, against the undersigned defendant violates the law of the case as articulated by the Court and must therefore be set aside for the following reasons:
Disner the lists a plethora of further incongruous “reasons”, such as
- If the Zeek Rewards business were found to be or was a legitimate business, the amounts the plaintiff has determined as received by the defendant, as a cash basis taxpayer, would have been treated as follows;
- The defendant would be entitled to business expense tax deductions, but has directed Zeek Rewards to transfer and give away to third parties in order to promote and grow the defendant’s business…
- If the exposure to the trustee (Receiver) does not mirror the exposure to the IRS, the defendant would unjustly enrich the Trustee since the defendant is now exposed to pay back an amount of money that he never had possession and control over…
- The Court’s discussion of “constructive trust” on page 14 of its decision is particularly applicable to the basis upon which the Court is obligated to reopen and set aside the Judgment against the defendant.
- If the Court’s judgment is allowed to stand while depriving the defendant of the knowledge and ability to have an action taken over against those who were given permission and control over a portion of the judgment the defendant did not receive in case, (paraphrased here) both they and the trustee are unjustly enriched. (Bullshit, I say!!)
- The entry of judgment violates both the spirit and the letter of the Court’s decision, (Again with the unjust enrichment)
There are several more idiotic assertions made along these same lines, which you may read on the Files website. If anyone here was unjustly enriched, it was Todd Disner, which is probably why he sat down and made up all of this nonsense.
I seriously doubt the Court will set aside the judgment based on these ludicrous assertions.